Saturday, September 30, 2006

Annual Team BBQ

The team had their annual bbq on Sept. 23rd. A good time was had by all who attened. Lots of money was raised to sustain the team for a bit. I took my camera, but both sets of batteries didn't work. So after some charging, I was able to snap some pics after the 200 beers and other random amounts of alcohol had been consumed. We were finally asked to leave around 12:30.

We have a tournament coming up after Chuseok. It is called the Second Annual Fransisco Vasquez de Coronado Fall Classic. For those of you who want to stay updated on the hockey aspect of things, click on the link for the Chiefs on the sidebar of my blog.

Jack and Rene playing on the mini foosball table.

If only Rene, if only...

Karl (foreground) and T-Bone (background) always up for a photo op.

Mags it was great to see you, even T-bone thinks so.

T-Bone might have had a little too much to drink.

Not really sure what factors caused him to bail in the kitchen, but

he is being helped out by Steve-O. It was a good dive.

New Kids, New Experiences

I finally remembered to take my camera with my so I can show everyone the wonders of working in a prison, I mean public school. I still think their schools here look like prisons.

On a different note, I am teaching from 1 - 4pm; yes that is only 2 hours. I make the same as I did in my first contract with only 15 hours of work, MAXIMUM. I have 3 classes on Monday, but am back upto 4 classes the rest of the week. Oh, and each class will have no more than 15 kids. I also forgot to mention that I don't have my own classroom - BOO!!!! As well, I must run from building block 2 back to building block 1 and then back to building block 2 EVERY DAY!!! This was not something I signed up for and I let them know this on Friday.

Class A - 8 year olds

Suzy - very cheeky and I am pretty sure she has ADHD
Sara - a shinning gem of a student
Betty - very smart
Kiera - has adjusted nicely and is comfortable enough to want to participate
Michael - is about the loudest student I have EVER taught
Jason - cheeky, but now is really keen on trying after I yelled at him for poking
me in the chest; evidently this is something their not taught NOT to do.
Brad - good kid, but he is so lost I don't know where to begin with him

Class B - 8 to 10 year olds

Brian - smart kid and is more will to speak; must break him of Korean habit to add
"uhh" to the end of English words.
Danny - quite smart and attentive
Sue - very smart and willing to learn; walks me to class most of the time
Cherry - she is my favourite and is so eager to please.
Tim - he is quiet, but coming around
Tommy - ADD for sure - he likes everything else, but to pay attention

Class C - 10 and 11 year olds

Sally - my favourite who works hard
Suzy - perfect student - attentive and hard working
Liz - Suzy's partner in crime - works hard as well to please the teacher
Sam - is the smartest boy and works very hard
Mark - somewhat lazy, but can do the work
Kevin - is the only kid I want to shake; he is smart BUT oh so lazy
Simon - very quiet, but seems to understand
Max - quiet as well, but is doing well
Zack - only comes MWF so I haven't got a feel for his ability yet; doesn't seem to
want to be there

Class D - 11 and 12 year olds

Allie - very quiet, struggling at the moment
Anna - smart and quiet
Anny - quiet, but is struggling
Angela - very vocal and smart
Brandon - coming out of his shell and trying
Jamie - loud, but of a smart ass
James - smart, but lacks some confidence in himself
Jina - one of the smartest in class
Judy - tries hard, but is struggling
Lena - only 6th grader and it is finding it hard without her friends in class
Nick - is beginning to try
Steve - mouthy; complete opposite to his sister Suzy in Class C
Roy - very keen and eager to learn
Wilson - quite smart, but very quiet

So those are my kids in the classes I teach. It has been interesting so far. It is very different from a Hogwan. Their level of understanding is so much more different from my old students and I am trying to get used to that fact.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


I am hopelessly hopefully that there is someone who will love me for my flaws as well as my perfections and that I can do the same.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

3 Weeks Down ~ Many More to Go

Do you speak English?

I have arrived back in Seoul for another year or less. It was a nerve racking week. I think most of you knew that I arrive back here WITHOUT a job. This was due to Korean politics, formally know as BS, with my employer vs. landlord. So I was faced with the daunting task of finding a job – quick!!
The reason for this is that I wanted to go away for Chuseok (Korea Thanksgiving) in October.

Arriving back here was, sort of, like arriving home. A lot of people here were happy to see me. I had missed everyone, too. I guess it was nice to be back in a routine, or something to that extent. I crashed at my old apartment in Mokdong, eventually I had to stay with Kristin due to new arrivals.

Kristin I can’t thank you enough for letting me crash and even more so for letting me sleep in your bed while you took the floor. Buddha survived my stay, but I know why I love cats. As well, Buddha’s life was never threatened save for the fact of my suffering from jetlag and waking up at 4am almost every day that week. Otherwise who knows what would have happened???

I was able to move into my new apartment on Saturday, Sept. 2nd in a sort of round-about way. I had the mover-dude pick me up in Mokdong to get my newly arrived luggage and stuff and then we were off to Incheon. Thank god the mover guy knew where to go cause I sort of forgot. We got there in record time. Again, thanks goes out to Tommy who let me store my stuff at his place – I still owe him dinner when I am more settle here. Luck was with me and Tommy had a small desk that is working perfectly in my crowded room. I have once again crammed as much stuff as one person can into a room. I have more walking space in this room than the last. Not a whole lot, but still more. Then of course there is the kitchen, with an oven and 4 burners!!! There is actually a living room with a couch and chair. It is open and airy and at times a little loud, but that is okay. We have a balcony that wraps around 2 sides of the exterior and roof access. Pictures with be linked with the title, so you can check out my new place.

I went into work with my friends on Tuesday. I had let recruiters know that I was arriving back that week. Upon checking my email – I almost deleted what is now one of my current jobs. I had interviews all over Seoul on Tuesday and Wednesday. Now I have a batch of blisters and pending job offers.

I got confirmation about an after-school position in Jamsil. So I am now teaching at a Public School!!! Yay, no more hogwans!!!! The rest of the week I sort of chilled out and got ready to move for Saturday.

Saturday was hard-core moving day and again like the day I moved it was ass-hot out!! Once we got to Haebongchon, the name of the area I live in, Kristin met up with me to help out. She was a big help and we eventually found the screws for the shelf. I knew I put them in a safe spot. To find them though, we went through every box I had, all 18 of them.

We eventually realized that to do anything after that we needed to visit E-Mart. I need a place to put my clothes and a TON of hangers. Yes mom, I know I have too many clothes, but I come by it honestly. I am pretty proud of my ingenuity to cram everything in my room. While Kristin slept for 4 hours, I began the job of deciphering Korean directions to assemble my clothes hanging apparatus and organizing my room. While doing this I came to the conclusion that I was going to have to learn to keep my room fairly neat and tidy. My mom has hoped for this moment all her life…don’t get your hopes up too soon mom.

So the week of the 3rd to the 10th, I spent settling in and organizing. As well, I worked from Tues. till Fri. at another public school that like me very much and wanted me to stay. I refused to stay for the amount they wanted to pay me. Then they offered the amount I wanted, but I had to run around all over to accomplish this. I don’t think so. They were very disappointed and tried to guilt trip me, but I have been here too long.


I have started back at hockey and it is good to be back on the ice, even with the MIB’s. For those of you who don’t know the reference. MIB stands for Mokdong Ice Bumps – huge stalagmites that cause players to fly across the ice and land in contorted/painful positions the puck to careen in various directions.

We have our website up and running – www.rmtchiefs.com – so those of you who want to play hockey in Korea, remember to bring your gear. If you don’t have anything, there is some spare gear in the locker.

We have a tournament coming up after Chuseok and guess what!?!? I am one of the captains, and I found this out bright and early Sunday morning; should be interesting.

Just this past weekend (09/16) we (the Chiefs) took part in a scavenger hunt. I had a blast even if we didn’t win, although I think we came in 3rd or something. At least the only embarrassing picture was of me changing underwear on the street. Mom, don’t worry, I had a skirt on.

First Day of Work

I finally signed a contract and found a morning position on that same day. So I have to get up around 5am to get to work for 7. Working only 2 hours (approx.) and then I have the rest of the day to putts around until noon, to make sure I am in Jamsil.

I don’t have a classroom at the public school, which is increasingly making me unhappy because I have a lot of useful visuals that would help the kids out. As well, we are expected to run from School Block 2 to School Block 1 and back. This is okay while the weather is nice, but come winter this is NOT what I want to be doing. We will have to have a chat with those in charge. On the positive side, I only have to work 3 hours and I have small classes. I like my kids so far. My younger ones are pretty cheeky, Suzy and Jason especially…pictures will be soon to follow. Diane is my co-teacher and she is wonderful. She lived in Seattle and her English is great. I think I will enjoy working with her. As well, she agrees with me about the classroom juggling. Overall, working is going well. I am enjoying it and it is no where near as stressful as Wonderhell or Kids Club.

I think that is all I have to say at the moment. I think I have written enough for a while. I will keep you all posted in the coming weeks with work and my Beijing preparations. Yes, I am going to Beijing just like I planned. Until then, ciao and as a reminder, click on the title for pictures.