Sunday, July 31, 2005

Will this nauseous feeling ever go away?

I arrive in Seoul safe and sound. My flight was nice and comfortable thanks to my father who know people in high places. Thanks a bunch, Dad. My flight was just under 14 hours - direct. Thank god for direct flights. I slept, ate and read Harry Potter.

I was one of the first people off the plane and went through customs with ease. Then I waited for my luggage. Oddly enough, I grabbed the wrong hockey bag. Someone else had the exact same bag, except that it had baby stuff in it. Well, all my bags and sticks arrived in one piece and I was set to leave the airport to embark on my adventure.

I was picked up by Chris (I think) who lucky brought a van with him. Then it was off to Mokdong. It took about 40 mins to get to the area I lived in and another 15 mins to figure out where exactly that was. I live across from a prison - just kidding. I think it's a High School. I live on a hill to, so lots of exercise for me.

Sadly, there was no elevator so we lugged everthing of 3 flights of stairs. Chris carried all the heavy stuff. My apartment building is newer, but not that big - only 5 floors. I live in a room, I wouldn't really call it an apartment. I have a balcony so I can store all my suitcase, etc. there. The bathroom is nice except I have not mastered how to shower and not soak the toliet paper. The shower - for those who don't know - are not encased in anything. So if I don't want it to get wet, I have to remove it from the bathroom.

I have unpacked my stuff and set my room up. I lack a desk, so right now I am sitting on my bed. I have AC, which is fantastic as it is stupid hot/humid outside. I went blading this morning to explore my surroundings. I still have yet to find a grocery store. Yet, I don't feel much like eating. I had something to eat last night, but couldn't finish it. This morning, I had some fruit, but even now - I still feel sick. I hope it adjusts soon - I really don't like this feeling.

Other than that, everything is okay. I have a meeting at the school at 3pm today. I have no idea what to expect. So until then, enjoy the rest of the summer and I will keep you all posted. I will post some pictures in the next week or so.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I Hate Packing

Well, I have all my paperwork in order - FINALLY. I picked up my visa today and confirmed my plane ticket. Now all I have left to do is pack. I have so far managed to pack one suitcase, which still seems to have some room left. I think I might be able to take everything I want to this time. The hockey equipment is coming as well. I am 10 minutes away from an ice rink - YAY!!! So, that is it for now. Not really much to say. My next note will be from the other side (queue Star Wars music) - just kidding. I will miss you all.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Getting Ready to Leave

Hello All

Well, I am off again to the other side of the world. Before I left Korea, I swore that I would never go back. Yet, after being home for a while (like, a month) I found it difficult to adjust being back. Don't get me wrong - I missed Canada terribly - especially the clean, fresh air. Taking a deep breath and not choking on a bad smell (usually, non-identifiable) is something I took for granted.

As the months rolled by, it will be 7 months that I have been home and have not found anything worth doing. So, around month #4, I decided that I should look into going back to see what I could find. By the time June rolled around, I was starting to get nervous. I hadn't found any jobs that I liked. Yet, I was patient and waited for something that was perfect. Through a recruiter from Work 'n Play, I will be a EFL teacher for LCI Kids Club in Mokdong. This is in Seoul, South Korea.

As I have been before, I am wiser at what to pack and what not to pack. Yet, as I look at the task in front of me - I want to run away screaming!!! It seems overwhelming to cram what I need for the better part of a yet into two seemingly tiny suitcases. Oh, by the way, I will be carting along my hockey equipment this year as there is an ice rink right around my apartment. Yay!!!! Also, I have been looking for things to decorate my classroom with. Yes, I get my own classroom - another selling point of the job. I am not going as crazy as I did the last time, but I was glad I did because it came in very handy.

Well, that's it for now. I am waiting for my confirmation of employment to arrive. Hopefully this will happen by Friday morning. Then I can offically book my plane ticket and I am off July 29th for another year.