Saturday, September 30, 2006

New Kids, New Experiences

I finally remembered to take my camera with my so I can show everyone the wonders of working in a prison, I mean public school. I still think their schools here look like prisons.

On a different note, I am teaching from 1 - 4pm; yes that is only 2 hours. I make the same as I did in my first contract with only 15 hours of work, MAXIMUM. I have 3 classes on Monday, but am back upto 4 classes the rest of the week. Oh, and each class will have no more than 15 kids. I also forgot to mention that I don't have my own classroom - BOO!!!! As well, I must run from building block 2 back to building block 1 and then back to building block 2 EVERY DAY!!! This was not something I signed up for and I let them know this on Friday.

Class A - 8 year olds

Suzy - very cheeky and I am pretty sure she has ADHD
Sara - a shinning gem of a student
Betty - very smart
Kiera - has adjusted nicely and is comfortable enough to want to participate
Michael - is about the loudest student I have EVER taught
Jason - cheeky, but now is really keen on trying after I yelled at him for poking
me in the chest; evidently this is something their not taught NOT to do.
Brad - good kid, but he is so lost I don't know where to begin with him

Class B - 8 to 10 year olds

Brian - smart kid and is more will to speak; must break him of Korean habit to add
"uhh" to the end of English words.
Danny - quite smart and attentive
Sue - very smart and willing to learn; walks me to class most of the time
Cherry - she is my favourite and is so eager to please.
Tim - he is quiet, but coming around
Tommy - ADD for sure - he likes everything else, but to pay attention

Class C - 10 and 11 year olds

Sally - my favourite who works hard
Suzy - perfect student - attentive and hard working
Liz - Suzy's partner in crime - works hard as well to please the teacher
Sam - is the smartest boy and works very hard
Mark - somewhat lazy, but can do the work
Kevin - is the only kid I want to shake; he is smart BUT oh so lazy
Simon - very quiet, but seems to understand
Max - quiet as well, but is doing well
Zack - only comes MWF so I haven't got a feel for his ability yet; doesn't seem to
want to be there

Class D - 11 and 12 year olds

Allie - very quiet, struggling at the moment
Anna - smart and quiet
Anny - quiet, but is struggling
Angela - very vocal and smart
Brandon - coming out of his shell and trying
Jamie - loud, but of a smart ass
James - smart, but lacks some confidence in himself
Jina - one of the smartest in class
Judy - tries hard, but is struggling
Lena - only 6th grader and it is finding it hard without her friends in class
Nick - is beginning to try
Steve - mouthy; complete opposite to his sister Suzy in Class C
Roy - very keen and eager to learn
Wilson - quite smart, but very quiet

So those are my kids in the classes I teach. It has been interesting so far. It is very different from a Hogwan. Their level of understanding is so much more different from my old students and I am trying to get used to that fact.


At 11:55 pm, Blogger Bethles said...

I miss you! I hope you are having fun. Our new apartment is sexy to the max. Have a drink for me at RMT!


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