Friday, July 22, 2005

Getting Ready to Leave

Hello All

Well, I am off again to the other side of the world. Before I left Korea, I swore that I would never go back. Yet, after being home for a while (like, a month) I found it difficult to adjust being back. Don't get me wrong - I missed Canada terribly - especially the clean, fresh air. Taking a deep breath and not choking on a bad smell (usually, non-identifiable) is something I took for granted.

As the months rolled by, it will be 7 months that I have been home and have not found anything worth doing. So, around month #4, I decided that I should look into going back to see what I could find. By the time June rolled around, I was starting to get nervous. I hadn't found any jobs that I liked. Yet, I was patient and waited for something that was perfect. Through a recruiter from Work 'n Play, I will be a EFL teacher for LCI Kids Club in Mokdong. This is in Seoul, South Korea.

As I have been before, I am wiser at what to pack and what not to pack. Yet, as I look at the task in front of me - I want to run away screaming!!! It seems overwhelming to cram what I need for the better part of a yet into two seemingly tiny suitcases. Oh, by the way, I will be carting along my hockey equipment this year as there is an ice rink right around my apartment. Yay!!!! Also, I have been looking for things to decorate my classroom with. Yes, I get my own classroom - another selling point of the job. I am not going as crazy as I did the last time, but I was glad I did because it came in very handy.

Well, that's it for now. I am waiting for my confirmation of employment to arrive. Hopefully this will happen by Friday morning. Then I can offically book my plane ticket and I am off July 29th for another year.


At 8:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well just think of it you wont have to pack for another year so you take care of yourself and watch out for the little people they just like to sneak up on you and I'll be checking you site every once and awhile


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