Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Evil Facebook

Hello All

This is to anyone who still checks my blog. It is on a hiatus because I have become addicted to facebook and you can find me there. This includes pictures and such. It's evil!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's been awhile...

After getting back from Singapore, losing my job, working odd jobs all over Seoul combined with interviews...I have had little time to work on my blog. I am currently working at my old school (Kid's Club) in Mokdong until Monday and then I finally get to start my new job. I will be at that job (hopefully) until August at least and the off to grad school. If that plan doesn't work, I will probably be here till next April.

I have tons of things to fill you all in on, pictures to add, just not enough time. Keep checking, I will post updates as soon as I can. Or look me up on facebook, I have been sucked in.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Playing for a Pot of Gold in Daegu

Insert post here...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Insert post here...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I hate rain

I have arrived in Singapore and it has rained, for the most part, ALL DAY!!! Now, I have lived in an Asian country for 3 years and I should be used to the rain. But it really just puts a kink into things.

I arrived safe and sound and headed over to Kyle's house to crash until the morning. I got up and went in search of a phone and met Jen (from Austrlia) who showed me where the store was and then even let me borrow her phone.

I managed to get myself to my hotel in one piece. The MRT (subway) is really nice here and fairly idiot-proof. I am not used to the signs saying only the station, not where they are going so I can make sure I am on the right side. I've already had a few gafs, but I guess that's to be expected.

Regardless of the rain, I had been smart enough to check the weather report before I left and saw that it was going to rain and I packed my umbrella. So after a few runs back to the room for things forgotten, I set out to explore. I went to the stamp museum to get some treats for my dad, tried to go to a museum (Asian somthing or other), but its closed for renos. I went to the History Museum and it was huge and kinda interesting. They provided you with your own personal tour guide that was totally interactive and programable at your own pace, which was really cool. I was going to go to the Art Museum, but I am very particular about what I find interesting and I prefer sculpture. Maybe I will go back later.

After the museums, I decided to check out the shops close by. It was like a glorified Hyundai - Calvin Klein, Levi's, Hilfiger, and then ALDO - yay really shoes. They had a cute pair that I tried on, but there are a couple other malls to check out. After I looked at the shoes quickly, as it smacked me in the face as I walked in the door, I went to find somewhere to eat. It was almost 5:30pm and I had only had a couple of snacks all day. I almost cried when I looked at the menu. They had real food. I ordered garlic bread, fish (snapper) and chips and the best chocolate milkshake ever!!! I was so full that I couldn't even order desert - carrot cake, which looked fantastic. Tear.

I wandered around some more than I set off to look for the Canadian bar - Bed Room Bar. I managed to take the bus again, without getting lost and found the bar, but not what I was looking for. I did have the Chinese lanterns that the LP book talked about, but lacked hockey jerseys. Oh well.

I set off back to my hotel to change and head to the arena to take in some hockey. It is quite a drive to the rink from our hotel. The rink is so tiny!!! It's almost quaint and it's actually cold like a rink should be. It smells like it should. I love the smell of the ice, reminds me of home.

After watching the competition and chatting to a few people, I headed back to the hotel to putter around and wait for the rest of the Chiefs to arrive. Let the party begin!!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Kid's ask the Darnedest Questions

S: Teacher, can I ask you a question?

T: Sure.

S: What does this mean? (writing the word)

T: PAM, that's a name.

S: No, no, this, what does this mean? (writing another word)

T: What's parn?

S: Oops, this one. (writes porn)

T: (insert nervous laugh) Um, well....

S: What does it mean?

At this point the teacher is debating whether to give a truthful answer or to brush off the question.

T: Where did you hear this word?

S: I was watching "Friends" with my brother and dad.

T: Ah, I see. Well, it's a movie that is only for adults.

S: Oh, okay.

That was the end of it.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Good-bye Bali

Much to my dismay, I woke up really early this morning. I had a nice leisurely breakfast and went to finish puttering around in my room until I had my appointment.

I sat down to start having my hair taken out. Even though I had about 7 people working on my hair, I had one person to take it out. The braids were very tiny!!!! So I helped and between the 2 of us, it still took 1½ hours to get my hair out. I had my facial and that was nice. Then I had my hair cut. I was really apprehensive because I have had my hair cut in Korea and it’s been really screwed up, so I was unsure what the result would be. At the moment, I am happy with it. It’s not been dried properly because it is just too hot for that. I will have to wait till I get home.

Speaking of which, I don’t want to go home. Not because I don’t want to work, it’s because of the atmosphere here; it doesn’t smell and the air is fresh. Seoul is just stinky, even in winter. Plus, it’s cold. I have been really lucky; it’s just rained on my last day, for the most part. I loved my time in Bali. It’s been very different from my experience in Thailand. It started off right because they didn’t sent my bags to Cambodia this time. So I will head back to smelly Korea, tanned and a little more refreshed. I think I need one more jump in the pool though.