Home for a Rest
I have arrived home safe and sound. What an ordeal to get home. Nothing can ever be easy. All week the weather was fine - ie. no rain. Then on the day I am leaving - it was absolutely pouring!!! How annoying. Before even leaving, I had to mail another box home because I was afraid the one I was taking weighed too much - stupid rule changes. So I had to lug a box of books (what else) to the post office in the rain - no fun. Then I had to make sure I was completely packed and Carrie (wonderful girl) helped me drag all my stuff down stairs for later. By that time I needed a shower - again, I love places that are at least 30 - 35 degrees C, but then add 100% humidity on top of that.
After that, I really had nothing to do, but putts around until 3:30. Carrie ran and got a cab to load my stuff into and then I was off to the airport. I got the cabbie to take me to the airport bus stop near my house. As well pulled up, it began raining harder and there was a huge puddle for me to step into as I exited the cab. The driver was great an lugged all 6 bags out of the cab and put them on this tiny bench. I was dress nicely in hopes that I would be bumped upto business. So I patiently waited for the bus, hoping that I nor my bags would get drenched too badly.
The airport limousine arrived and he was none too impressed that all my bags had to be loaded into the bus and that all this had to be done with one hand - he was holding his umbrella in the other. He managed not to drop anything, much to my amazement and we were off.
I arrived at the airport and YAY, no more rain. I arrived at the designed area and holy line up!!! I was also nervous because I didn't see Rene or Elaine. They were going to check on of my bags, so I wouldn't have to shell out more money. Thank you guys, I really appreciate your help. Everything go checked in and we go through the line that went on forever only to find that our flight was delayed until 8:30. We were supposed to take off at 7:30. Every time I try to leave Korea to go back to Canada, I am delayed by weather - if it's not snow then it's rain. Oi!!
We finally departed at 10pm and I met Carol who my parents found out was the incharge and YAY me, I sat in business. I had a good meal, wine and watched a movie. Then I slept from about 1 till 9:30am. Thanks Dad!!!
I cleared customs easily, actually I had my fingers crossed, but it was all good. It took about an hour after we de-planed for the luggage to start coming out. All four bags arrived and were accounted for. Unfortunately, the carts for your luggage don't hold 4 LARGE bags, so I had to get 2 and attempt to push them myself. Finally, there was a Korean who was nice enough to help me. We pushed both of them out and my mom didn't even see me because she was too busy pacing.
I have been home for a couple of days and I am still suffering from jet lag. I have been up since 5am and emailing people telling them I am home for a limited time. I figure now would be a good time to write a posting. It feels weird to be home, things have changed, but really they haven't. To answer some questions people asked - the first thing I ate was fish and chips. The first thing I did was drive for Mazda (take and trade cars to another dealership), already working my first day home. I am just thankful that the jet lag is not as bad this time around.
I know this month will just fly by and for those of you in Korea, I will be back soon. Check later for pics of home.
hi honey, mom here. Just a quick add on to your month at home. It was complete bedlam. Suitcases everywhere. But it was great. A whole year of missing you is too much. You have filled that empty spot in my heart. I just what to hold you close and not let you go. The month has now passed and I can`t remember where it went. You are now back in Korea and we are alone -without you. The empty spot in my heart is back. I`ll have to wait again. I love you honey. take care of youself, for me if not for you. Hugs and Kisses. Have a great year. Talk soon.
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